A Creative Act of Kindness
This is a movement started out in Costa Mesa, California to bring our community closer through a gift of meaningful curated events with visual arts, fusion music, and culinary experiences.
In November 2022, we started gifting our neighbors with 2 frameable art postcards, which they can either keep or share with family or friends. We also began taking these postcards to global conferences or community gatherings and gifted them to new people we felt connected to as friendship gifts, which has been well received.
On Feb. 14th, 2024, we hosted our first Hello You Movement event called Afternoon of The Arts & Soulful Love to celebrate Valentine's Day with our family, friends, and neighbors during sunset with a young violinist playing our favorite love songs and homemade treats. In March 2024, we hosted our second event called Fusion Tea Garden Art and Erhu Installation. It was a rainy day that turned into a beautiful indoor setting. We had a blast and will be doing more themed events soon. Sign up to our Curious Morphologie Circle mailing list to receive your invitation to upcoming events.
Our family truly believes that creating a more positive community is within our reach. We are looking forward to seeing how this movement can make a difference one person at a time. Join us and help grow the meaningful connections that are within your reach.
If you'd like to purchase these Hello You Movement cards and start this movement in your area, follow 5 simple steps at the bottom of this page and let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. You can also become a sponsor to one of our Hello Your Movement events and experience your meaningful impact with us. Thank you in advance for joining #HelloYouMovement. Tag us on Instagram @CuriousMorphologie with your story.
Afternoon of The Arts & Soulful Love Event

Hello You Movement
The last few years have isolated many of us from each other. What if there is a way we can bring our community closer through a creative act of kindness? Our Founder, Erna Blooms, remembered how fulfilling it was for her to connect with her audience in person during our first art debut back in 2015. After she moved to Orange Country, California in 2021, she really wants to get to know her new neighbors by giving them a personal gift of 2 frameble art postcards that her neighbor can keep and/ or share with their family or friends during this 2022 Holiday.
Surprise Someone
As Erna began to share her idea of this movement to people in Summer of 2022, many of her family members, friends, business besties, mentors, team members, and even acquaintances were interested to join the movement. So, she started sending the art postcards for them to share in their own neigborhoods. These art postcards turned out to be a great gift for those who just moved to a new location and in need of making new friends. We are humbly grateful for everyone's support to create more meaningful connections in all of our communities. Today, we invite you to join the Hello You Movement so you can also make a difference in your community. Let's spread the joy!
Five Simple Steps to Join

Connect With Anyone You Meet
Curious Morphologie art postcards are great ice breaker and conversation starter. Check out our Hello You Movement package and learn our effective approach to help you build more genuine connections in your life.